Thursday, 28 June 2012

Very cool building, amazing how when you dont adhere to the norm it doesnt take much to make something look fantastic

Very clever artist at work, loved this image

power to lift 15 ton out of the water, great phot

I found this shot very peaceful, i love it when an interior can make you feel a particular way

You all know my love of motorcycles, and this shot came across my desk, great image

Mother nature working amazing things again

Colour and light

Just because it exists, and I am not there, neither are you if your reading this. Sigh!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Great detail and finished perfectly

A bar called Ammo, stunning visuals

Just likes the colours working here

The Whitehouse Oriental Bay NZ

Great design

Govt office

St Johns bar NZ

It seems to work

20 year old design still looks great

200 year old design still looks great too

Its always nice to add art to a space it seems to complete an area

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Now this is a boat, I wonder what wealth you need to be able to play your fantasies out in real time, absolutely awsome

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Now to me beauty comes in many forms

Infinity pools oh Yeah

This is how Christchurch could look in some areas, very cool

Lovely House

I'd love a room like this

This blew me away, this is actually a camera used by intelligence services, absolutely amazing

Tree Houses are cool

As is mother nature

Lovely design ideas

Monday, 18 June 2012

A recently discovered part of NYC underground, amazing stuff really

Tall people on the right, shorter on the left. lovely light

Just a great shot

Been there done that the water was as warm as the air

Clouds over Beijing

Mother nature again

This is a wind scul;pture, so when the wind blows, it plays tunes, really clever

Sunday, 17 June 2012

dipping the toe? Lovely shot

Stunning house

And we complain when the lifts are out,my GOD!!!!

Pretty cool restaurant
Sometimes white isnt the only colour

And now you know

Great light

And I'd like two purple chairs please

Interesting house in the woods


Great Image

Lovely shot

Good public space, I like that when space is left between to use.