Friday, 30 October 2015

Well, it's been a while since I updated this design blog, I apologise as I know an awful lot of you appreciate the images. I've been otherwise engaged dealing with some personal issues, but never mind, I'm good to go again apparently. Fingers crossed. So not being at work has taken me away from my design life and my work, and I haven't been able to keep up with the streams of images that I usually put up for you all. So this issue is a bumper issue, and as you know it's not all about design, it has images that capture a moment, stunning photographs that I find interesting and I hope that you do too. You may think some a bit odd, but that's what makes the world go round. So here we go in what I hope will become a regular thing again. As per usual I hope that somewhere in here you will find some inspiration for what ever it is you do.

One of London's most expensive apartments
It's in the old Battersea Power station, apparently Sting owns this one.

This is the house of my dreams, no true I want to build one of these

Container homes have interested me for ages, this one is pretty cool

That house again

 What a lovely place we live in.

 I do like a good library

 This house was built as a show home and then left for over 50 years, when the new developers bought the house, you would not believe what they found in side, check out this kitchen

 Solid brass and then triple chrome plated, you don't get that anymore
 Amazing that people think this is ok, and even more amazing that people who work there actually accept this as a design solution.

I wonder how long this took to make

I am going to do this, no really I am

Small space, economical with the materials, this place really does tick the boxes

Hmmmm not really me

Now tel me I dare you to say that container homes aren't damned handsome

Well there you go. I hope you saw something that made you back again and have another look, and remember you can go back through the entire back catalog if you have the time and the inclination. I am sure that you will find something to excite and inspire you. See you all again in a couple of weeks. And remember if you want the services of a great interior design company Planet Design is always here to help you with that.