Monday, 9 February 2015

Well February has hit, and all ready it seems like it's getting darker in the mornings. Hate that. have to say I've been in the new apartment for 4 months now and having lived in other inner city apartments you would have thought that by now you would have learnt a few things about it. But no, I'm getting assailed by lots of other things now, the noise of living on a major through fare is starting to get me, the sirens all night from the fire brigade, the incessant sirens form the Police heading towards the eastern suburbs ( what goes on out there), and the loud pipes saves lives Harley Davidson brigade. Sometimes it all seems too much like someone is conspiring against you. The sevens this past weekend was another intrusion into my audio space as well. But having said that, I wake up at three in the morning look out of my window and see a lovely glass like calm harbour with a ferry travelling out and the tugs heading off to pick up a cruise boat, and i think to myself, "this has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world to live. That moves me right onto this weeks installment for you, it's full of beautiful places and spaces to be in, but we should never forget where we are at the present. So here's this weeks design inspired ramblings for you, I hope you enjoy them.

This had me thinking for a while, and then I got how it worked, it's very clever.

I'd love a house in the woods like this.

 How could you let a stunning place like this get to this.................................

 What a great piece of art, and you can see the artist below trying to figure it out, obviously she does, and isn't it beautiful

 Really liked this room, very smooth

 The mixture of old and new

 This would have to be one of the nicest spaces I have seen for a while, I could live like that.

 Build a house inside a house ,clever

 Museums, places of quiet reverence, and massive paintings, that stop you in your tracks. Good old fashioned museums.

 I had to keep coming back to this image, there was something about this space that I just get, it's almost like a painting itself.

 Sometimes we need to put things into perpsective

 I like clever things

I've never seen it from this angle before

 Sit a while, rest yourself, take in the view.

There you go, your weeks inspirational post, I know that there were images in this post that you went back to to have another look, I get told that all the time, so off back to work and I will see you all again in a couple of weeks. I'm away for a bit next week, so if I get a post done, then you will get it, if not, I'm on a South island road somewhere with the sun on my back and the shadow of me and my bike stretching way out in front, with the smell of long dried pastures floating up into my helmet, and the heat of the tarmac bouncing around in the air in front me.