Thursday, 3 December 2015

Hello, and welcome. December already, Christmas is upon us, and the year is nearly at a close.
It's been a long year, and during this time, I have found myself going back through the pages of this site and spending some time looking and noting down ideas, themes, and great design. Some images i wonder to myself "why did I include that"? Then it dawned on me that some images while not entirely design related are just fantastic shots, a moment, a different time. And then I realised that even in these images there is great design, be it in the buildings, the cafe, the clothing, the paving patterns, it's everywhere, and this is essentially my message to you. Where ever you look, or go, you are influenced by color, by texture, by space, the handrail that you use without even thinking, it's all about design. I guess it's just a matter of being aware of how you move about and what affect it has on you. And I guess that's why this page is here, it's not only to show you ideas, give you inspiration, or to even change how you think, it's to say that everything you do, everything that you are is a result of design.
So it's time for the latest raft of images I have gleaned from sources everywhere, have a great Christmas, and new year, and hopefully I will catch up with some of you soon. Take care.

I am really enjoying my new found interest in container homes, I really feel that this type of building is absolutely fantastic.

Color is just so important, it effects mood, it changes a room from one thing to another, and all by applying a color.

What a fantastic brazier.

I really do like clever ideas, and this one is fantastic, not just your average stainless steel bent tube set in concrete, but somehting that looks fantastic and works so easily.

Now that is one expensive book shelf.

I love the complete contrast between the stairs and the house, it certainly is unmistakable that 'these are the stairs'.

Love the storage for the wood, clever way to make something as mundane as wood storage into a piece of functioning art

See color. Now you would never think of using such a bold color, but look how its works against the furniture and the lighting.

I have just recently embarked on design some cutlery, this is not mine, but I have become aware of how people use their knives and forks, and it really grates on me how people use them so wrong, so i have come up with some ideas, but more on that next year.

 I lie this very much
Just because it was a great shot

Containers again, how nice does this place look?

I'm starting some Bonsai, I find it very restful, and very difficult too!!!

Black and white bathrooms, I know someone who likes black and white bathrooms a lot.

Wow containers can be used in so many ways.

I could live in this space so easily.

Small spaces can be used so effectively

What an amazing shot. Pablo doing his thing

If ever there was a tonal range that I like, it is this. very restful and calming.

And who needs to live in a house, what a great image

Stunning art. I know what it is to carve, and this is right up there, this must have taken months to complete, how beautiful is this?

Take me away, NOW!!!!


This old barn conversion is simply stunning, check it out.

Pretty cool don't you think.

Clad containers take on a whole new face.

Some container homes are easy to spot

Others not so.

This one is pretty cool.

And that folks is that for the year. I'd like to apologise for the intermittent postings, but it has been a difficult year, what with one thing and another, but here we are again Christmas, and for that I am truly thankful. Have a great holiday, refresh the old batteries, charge up the mind, and swing into the new year with  renewed vigour. Drive carefully and be kind to not only your family and friends, but also to yourself.

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