Monday, 4 March 2013

Here is this weeks set of images. I am amazed at the sheer amount of work that is being done around the world by artists, photographers, designers, and bloggers, all for your enjoyment.
So without any further introduction, grab a coffee, sit back and be prepared to be awed.

The Arab countries certainly do have the money to do things right.

Beautiful offices

Now if you have a smart phone download an app called snapseed, and you can do this, pretty clever

Great light

This is the Norwegian foreign embassey in Sri Lanka

Even tents can be very stylish

Snapseed again, its very clever

I know that this place has been photographed a million times, but isn't it just lovely

reminds me a bit of the Futurama ship

Lovely light

Now you know how I dont like clutter, this one however seems to work

Great Light

Is it art or graffiti? I say art.

I just loved this place, it looks like it 'fits', it just does.

Well thats that for this week. Hope you got some inspiration from it. I've decided that over the next few weeks I'm going to go out with my smart phone and take some images from our beautiful little city, use snapseed and put them up for you to have a look at. It will be interesting to see if I can match some of this work. This is also in keeping with the idea of being inspired by what you see, because you can all do it, just be being aware of what is around you and seeing things in a different light.

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