Monday, 24 June 2013

Well this has taken me some time, 2 hours of failed uploads, and doubled up images, but it did make me go back over the images that I have selected for you all to look at and try to cull some out and of the 100 or so images, I only removed 1. Pretty good really. So here's this lot for you all to take in. Some pretty clever joinery ( I love things that do two or more jobs at the same time). And I am always on the lookout for space saving ideas too!
Go grab a coffee, take a moment out from the insanity and enjoy

This is just great, but you'd think those runners would have to be pretty strong

Lovely space, never been a fan of purple but it works really well here.

There was an entire sequence of these photos, but this one was the most powerful, what a great image

great apartment interiors are my thing at the moment and this one was pretty good

Like the way this office worked, great space

A quick alternative to building a room, get some cloth 4 hangers and a couple of rods and make a room

 Loved the art going on in this kitchen, it doesn't take much to do this, just a thought

New Zealand Customs

This is a large house on anyones scale, but so well done

use of light is always something that you should consider because its free

Kiwibank call center

I would love to have space like this, and fill it with motorcycles, carvings and large paintings

A great outdoor shower

Classic, timeless and now very expensive, I think an old one costs more than a new one

Oh yes infinity pools in Italy, but more on that in a minute

beautiful shot

Abandoned, I'm collecting images now for an abandoned themed blog coming up, it's amazing what is left behind

very cool space

My phone has an app on it now that can alter images like this, it makes it look like a painting

I loved the colour of this image

It matches this one so well

I'm heading towards these colour tones for my new place which is coming out of the ground as we speak.

I'm not a nautical kind of person, ( I understand the power of it), but this image took me, it has so much power going on

What an amazing room, how cool is this?

I like the simplicity of the timber, versus concrete and the minimal feautures of this space

Great outdoor space

Swan Lake me thinks?

Inside BMW's style studio, who wouldn't love a job like this

For some reason, I kept coming back to this image on one of the sites I visit and I really liked it

Wow, not normally something that I would include but the craftmanship here is just incredible

Great design is really timeless

Milan, the centre of all design they say

A very good photo

I used to want to live in the country but places like this have a strong draw on me

Nice interiors

I'd love to spend some time on this balcony

They just dont build them like they used to

Nice apartment, there are a number of apartments like this in Wellington that this could be done to.

I did like this shot, it's just about perfect

Design is everywhere, a very elegant lady driving a very old and elegant Mercedes

This is beautiful

As this is ugly, no wait this is still beautiful as well


Mr P getting some inspiration

An automotive design icon instantly reconisable by name and shape

A great image

I laughed at this image, what's going through the mind of this fox

Now not all things have to be about design, this guy is displaying style, grace, feet up full power slide and rear wheel steering, there isn't anymore. Love it

This carbon fibre bath made me stop,,,,,, how great is it that we can use materials like this to form something so beautiful, what a great bathroom. Couldn't imagine getting into it for the first time though, but how beautiful is this?

I am definately going to have a blackboard wall in the new place, i think that this is brilliais

This is definately me

And this too

The calmness of the face is a complete contrast to what is happening around him.

use your stairs to enliven yourself and your family

Who wants a holiday after last weeks weather, come on lets go....

I have been looking at furniture for the new apartment and have discovered  Natuzzi, wonderful furniture, very similar to what we have in this image, and available here in Wellington. Great Furniture really can make a place.

And to finish, a building with a message, thats all for this week folks hope you all enjoyed it, now get back to work.
Oh by the way Planet Design Consultants is going to be 25 years young in a couple weeks, how good is that? When we started our previous employers were very scathing of us, calling us planeteers and asking "do you design planets"? A dollar for evertime I've heard that. They went out of business. And here we are still doing what we do best while all the consultants bought in over the years who knew 'better', have come and gone. We have interiors that we designed and built from those first days still standing and still working like they were designed for, and we are still working with our very first corporate client with a job number that starts 89.  I am particularly proud of our acheivements, in this day and age it has become apparent that there is less importance placed on client loyalty, and a fair price for a fair job, but you know what, Planet Design has always done things it's own way and we will continue to do that for our clients and be damned the 'spring up' consultants.