Sunday, 26 August 2012

This weeks images from around the globe. Enjoy please.

Burning man festival from space. I would love to go to this event.

But then again I might rather stay here instead.

Could we live like this, or is this just whimsy?

This used to be an old bay Villa but has been transformed into a totally modern house to live in.

For some reason I liked this, I couldn't live there but none the less it is a pretty cool place

Same place lovely timber work.

Not a lot of architecture going on here, but a great shot and a lovely car

Evenings by the pool must be something to look forward to....

Hows this? fantastic lighting

Nice and simple again......................

Lovely space to live in

This is cool.........

I might be wrong but I believe that is Mr. T Woods house

I could definately spend some time here

OK and here too....

The jury is out on this one but still worth a look.

Now holiday bunks and ski huts did not look like this when I when I had holidays or went skiing 

Simple again plain single use of colour to highlight an area and well......very nice

No other images of this place wonder what it looks like inside, because outside it looks pretty interesting

Now this is craftmanship enough said

The sunken kitchen is a great idea I thought, certaiunly keeps the eye level view clean and clear of clutter.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Another busy weekend and even more images of what interests me and hopefuly you. This week I have included some very interesting images, that upon first glance you would think that they were photos but when you look even closer you will see that they are infact oil paintings by a Spanish artist Campos. Truely amazing, So enjoy.

Architecture can certainly challenge you to push the boundaries

I thought the use of the gold in the door reveal was very clever, just a little bit of additional thought can make the mundane seem so special.

I'm a fan of Black and White images and I just loved this

A bit unusual, not too sure how this works but its nice.....

A bit of designer fun happening here

great detail

I'd like to work in a place like this

Burning man a festival in the middle of USA where people turn up and spend an awful lot of time being crazy. I have seen photos of this festival taken from Space, a truely amazing place, and it's all gone in a week

I found this image and kept coming back to it, to the point where I had to include it, so delicate!

A great photo, the composition and the colours are brilliant

Now that is a photo!!!!!

Burning man again, they build them and then they are gone

White on white please

I thought the green walls in this office were a fantastic addition, I would bet that this office is a very calming place to be, just love it.

Liked the way the parts of the building just seem to float

A new winery in Spain, great shape

I keep saying it, keep it simple, easy

Nice House

Hotel in Europe, large scale art is great

Love the light in the bottom of the joinery

We will start seeing things like this here eventually

Campos Oil painting, can you tell?

Campos, just look really closely and marvel at the detail

Campos, check out the soft blush on the skin of the Cherries, what talent

hard to believe that this is a painting

And this

And this, just look at the plastic wrapper truely amazing

Its amazing what a bit of whimsical thought can produce, great lighting

Porsche Building

I thought that we should have more buildings like this here

And finally for today.

Well thats iot for this week, enjoy and hopefully be enlightened by the talents of people.