Sunday, 23 September 2012

Good morning everyone, well it's a double dose of stunning images this week, because I am going to be away at work and at play from Wednesday to Wednesday this coming week. So grab a coffee, and enjoy.

I know it's not interior design, but it is still a stunning image of a beautiful shape with stunning form, imagine the hours and hours this must have taken to hand shape, no pressess here, every piece beaten out with the sweat of the brow and the beat of a soft mallet, beautiful

great graffitti

have noticed some black and white images starting to appear across the sites, so thought that i would include a couple. I have a friend who has just built a house like this in the Wairarapa, it's a great place to be rntertained in thats for sure.

Ah the 60s-70s, what a great time, and what good design, I see floral patterned jump suits coming in again this season for the ladies, perhaps the interior design will make a come back as well.

Not too sure if you would like this, but I was impressed with the quality. We cant do this work here in NZ anymore, because our trades have left, pity!!!

Those fun 70s again.


and beautiful

Looks like an office for Mad Men

I'd live here

And here for that matter

Burning man has finished this year, it must be an amazing thing to visit.

We do some good things with our space and environs

Mother nature takes it for granted and just gets on with it

I loved the tranqulity of this space

An alternate view of the same house, beautiful gardens

I once had a house designed in the Wairarapa that would have looked like this, it's amazing what you can do with modern opening doors these days. Open the side of your house and let the outside in I say.

Clean simple, and note the colour

A wacky way to enhance your lighting. I hate surface mounted conduit with a passion, and am known for that, but this image made me perhaps have a re-think about that, if it's done well I might just change my mind.

I could holiday here.

Lighting OTT?

A beautiful facade.

There is something about raw concrete that makes me think my next house/place may just have it as an element, I think the plain old natural finish is so good.

Form, function and stunning

A view from inside, just try and imaging waking up in this every morning......

I could not even begin to imagine how the designer sold this idea to a bottlestore operator, but he/she must have and its a beautiful place that's for sure.

This is just..............

as is this, it loks like a scene from a sci-fi movie

Lovely offices

I like clean, this image says it all

Last week I posted an image of some boats that looked like they were floating in mid air, and this week this image turns up, I dont think it's been photoshopped.

This house reminds me of Falling Waters what a simply stunning house.

Well thats all for this week, enjoy, and I'm off fishing for a few days.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Hey there, was away in Queenstown this weekend, so am a bit late. have noticed a trend at present through the design blogs I watch, about cars in Houses. You know I like the idea, but it amazes me that some people will go to the trouble to do it the way these ones have been done, and I am sure that there are others that want to remain quiet about their particular 'issue'. haha wish I could have personality problems like these guys. Anyway it's not so much about the car it's about the use of space and the undeniable sense of style that comes out of these images. The third image is 25 floors up! Some you may like and others, well maybe not. Personally the image with the black and white floor is really not for me, nor the red couch that matches the cars, but the rest, well yeah I could live there, even if the garage was empty!!!

I like bedrooms that have a calming sense, and this one has it in spades.

What an entrance, I must find out more about this building, love the way it dissapears

There's no hiding this one though, beautiful craftmanship

These green walls are starting to appear everywhere, makes you wonder why you dont employ this at home, it would be fantastic. We did a breakout space at Kiwibank that was full of ferns and the quality of the air in that room was  cooler and better, worthwhile exploring I think.

Stairs, amazing

Living on the edge thats for sure, it's always a source of amazement that there is the wealth out there to be able to own stuff like this, but even more amazing that there are minds out there that can produce spaces like this.

What do you think, I'm sure it's an adventure

This is the back of a bay villa, yes thats right a standard looking 3 bedroom bay villa, what a great transformation.

Loved this image the way the boats just seem to be floating

You want scale, check out the boat in the bottom right hand corner, beautiful

Ok, I'll say it WOW!!!!

Likewise this space too.

I have previewed some boats here on the blog, dont know about this one the top deck looks out of place to me, but I'd still like to be invited on board for that evening party.

Now this is really me , I have a passion for outside dining with lots of people under a late afternoon sum or late night moon. I could do

Loved the front of this building, it's amazing how a simple idea can completely change your perspective of an object.

OK, OK lets just go shall we.

I put this massage in because I like it, well thats me for the week, I hope you've enjoyed this weeks crop of images, I've enjoyed putting it together.