I found a site that had hundreds of images of abandoned buildings, and thought that they looked so sad. This room was a hidden room inside an English country house, where they counted the windows outside to figure out where the room was inside. Each window had a mark put on it and then they walked around the building and lo there was this room.
Not a photograph but an oil painting, pretty cool eh?
Marrakesh where else in this world
Hmmm this is definitely what some engineer friends of ours would call 'designer frippery'.
I want space like this
My god this things got some sail on it. The poor old rigger must have arms like Popeye.
Container living, well done
An abandoned library, amazing really
I just loved this shot, what a moment.
There's somehting to be said about containers and a little imagination.
No thanks
My daughter was sitting in Florence just a week or so ago and this guy was drawing with a Biro right beside her.
Florence, it doesn't look that romantic in this light does it.
Even prisons have a certain design flair to them. Love the stairwell.
parts of the London underground were opened up to the public, this area had not been seen for nearly 30 years.
watch out for these 'greys' because they are making a comeback, well they were never gone but they are becoming popular again.
I look at images like this and wonder about the practicability of a space, I mean it looks lovely and is worthy of being in a magazine, but really does it work.
How cool is this container?
An angry chair
What an auditorium, I love this place
Open plan lockers, it's coming to an office in your town real soon.
yeah i know I know, but even a petrol station with a Big m in it can look kind of special too.
This is actually the side of this below, amazing
Again, keep it simple and you have something beautiful and it works
Frank Lloyd Wright really did build some amazing places, maybe he really was an alien
Corbusier again with a hint of Mondrian baby.( your supposed to say that with an Austin powers voice)
So there you go, Don't know if your interested but since this blog has been going I have had over 2 million 2 hundred thousand 'hits' or views. I felt quite good about that, a big pat on my back I think.
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