Look I don't know about you but these weeks are literally flying by.It seems you wake up on a Saturday morning and go "wow I was just here', and then it happens again. Then there is the relentless search to bring to you good folk another weekly installment of of what is happening in the design world, all together in one quick and easy bite sized piece. No program, no plan just a random collection of great design just for you, places and spaces so enjoy. ( I can almost hear the bells of Christmas)
I love the way Churches get abandoned, what happens to the faith?
I recently took a train trip from Auckland to Wellington and was amazed at how train trips always bring you through the worst parts of a city or town, but you know what, even some of those are worthy of taking a second look. We only ever see the fronts and say to ourselves I wonder what it's like in that house or that building and marvel at the beautiful interiors. trains are good like that there is something very raw about that view that they give.
This is so sad Detroit City where everything has been abandoned, and yet the beauty of the place still manages to remain despite the best efforts of man.
Even the banks in Detroit City have been left open, this is where the money from cars flowed.
What a great image
Frank Lloyd Wright who else.
I wonder how much this table costs to reserve?
Have been doing some exploring for a friend of mine who wants to build a cool but cost effective second house on his property, these containers fit the bill so well
Well folks that's about it for the week, looking forward to some rainy days so that I can trawl some more, this finer warmer weather does make it difficult, all I want to do is get out and ride and enjoy the country that we live in. Till next time.
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