Monday, 6 October 2014

Well what a week ( again), I've a bit of a mixed bag this week, seem to be quite distracted for some reason and just found myself looking out the window at the weather belting past, be it sun, hail, lightening, rain, you name it we've had it. My new apartment which has the most stunning views of Wellington but the weather moves the building so much in the wind, sometimes I think I'm having a dizzy spell, and have to put my glass of wine down. It was a bit unnerving to start with but funnily enough it doesn't seem to bother me as much as it used to. So the images this week? A rambling collection of really nice places, beautiful interiors, great detailing, some silly design too, but just a great collection of ideas, and hopefully from them you will right click save as and put it somewhere for future reference. Enjoy and see you next week.

 I looked at this image and thought to myself "why did I save this". But you know what I really like it, so that's why no other reason but that.

 Now I did like this mirrored man, what great public art.
 Where else but Vegas. Must go there some day.

 I love concrete, but you already knew that, this bench is beautiful, see how it's cast around the steel column, very clever.


 They built pretty cool buildings even a few hundred years ago.

 This image has probably been here before , but I do love it. It reminds me of an innocence long gone. We used to do this down by the rivers and beaches of our country, these guys had Paris to play in. Some how theirs looks like much more fun, but I'm betting if they saw our pictures they would say "oh no yours looks better".

New York new York

Scooters in Italy, what more could you want, some cheese, some wine and a nice villa in the hills across that valley there, with at least 6-8 small villages to ride through each with its own fresh fruit market, restaurant and coffee shop that's what.
 See old and new can co-exist together in harmony very very well.

Fez in Morocco, been there

 I would think that this is not a windy place, unlike our home here in Wellington

 Now who lives here I wonder?

 This is called the Diamond house, lovely work

 A mirrored fence

A chair made from carpet........

 How some people live eh?
Just check out the quality of the design and in particular the finishing, you can see why these things costs millions. just beautiful.

 4 million candle powered torch!!!!!!

 A little tasting piece on the side, I like this idea.

For the ladies that follow the blog what a room.

Clever design is everywhere, although I don't know what you would put in here, a spare sim card perhaps ?

 This little device is for keeping your page open when cooking

Pass the salt,pass the salt, pass the salt, pass the, well you get the drift

 Ice cubes in the glass, great idea that anyone can use

Not too sure why you would have have these two chairs in this room.

Vietnamese flower shops

Like we would allow this to happen here

Useless design, some ideas just don't float do they

I had a laugh when this image popped up

Love the lighting in here, now most people will know of my feelings about surface mounted capping or conduit ( fyi I can't stand it), well this is OK.

These four images are of one of the best restorations I've ever seen of a church, truly inspiring

And then this old disused water tower renovation was pretty cool as well.

This rock house was really neat too. Some of the stuff that I stumble across and find amazes me.

This is Englands skinniest house

Amazing where some people think that they can live, personally I think it's just a wee bit silly really.
Scroll this image up and down with the wheel on your mouse and take a close look , it's a very clever image.

OK, well that's about all for this week
And just to give you a different perspective not everyday is clouded over, everyday is actually sunny it just depends on what your outlook is. have a great week, see you all next weekend.

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