Monday, 15 December 2014

Well , here we are at the end of another year. It's not been an easy year, with a few bumps along the way, that's for sure. But never mind we are all here for the now. So not a lot to say, this installment is a collection of all the great images that I have collected for you over the past year. It's massive, so don't try and look at it all in one go, perhaps a quiet afternoon when all the kids are outside playing or doing Christmas things. This one is definitely for a relaxing afternoon, or late evening where you can rest up with a glass of wine or beer and spend some time just getting lost in the depths of these images. I love them, and i am pleased that you all love them too. I have had some many responses to the blog, that it has been a bit over whelming at times. So I don't have that much more to say, just enjoy the images and the design that has gone into these buildings, places and spaces.
So from me and the Planet Design team have a great Christmas and New Year, drive safe, drive carefully, don't eat too much and we will catch you on the other side. I'm out of here.Merry Christmas to you all.

 This is the stand out image for me, wonderfully captured

This was an apartment that I built a few years ago, my man pad, I miss this place, more to the point I miss the kitchen.

 I so want to be there

 I love this space, probably one of the nicest interiors I have seen for quite some time.

 Another favourite scene of mine, I'd love to be there right now.

 Inside a guitar!!!!!!!

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