Monday, 5 January 2015

First week of 2015, Christmas has come and gone, new year has been celebrated and now those work station chairs are calling you back to the office. But don't fear, the interior design blog from me is here. It will be my intention to bring you even more stunning images from our world. As i have said in the past I am always amazed by not only the design work that appears here, but by the abilities of people to capture them in just that right moment, or light. And I am always amazed by how beautiful this planey it and the things that are in it. So here's to 2015 lets start the right way shall we.

My mind must be on England at the moment, I am planning a 6-7 week trip back there this year to see my daughter and to revisit some old haunts.

This little Chapel just amazes me. The lead light work is incredible. later in this post is an image of the building that is just as nice.

There two images out of Detroit. The city went bust, the people that could leave , left and this is what is happening to the city. So sad.

 Here's that Chapel I was talking about,

This is living economically.

Would like to travel here

So that's the first one for your viewing pleasure. I hope that 2015 brings you what you want, we're off to a flying start that's for sure, ripping our own offices to pieces and re-vamping some areas, so that's quite exciting, it's about time. I hope that you all will do that to your offices as well and keep us even busier.
Here's to 2015, I look forward to catching up with you all over the next few months.

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