Well an interesting weekend again, I thought that I would start my weekly blogs with a theme, you know stairs one week, windows the next, etc etc, so as I got started on my usual Sunday afternoon of serious browsing, it became very clear to me that there are just too many great images out there that need to be bought to you, and if I started to catalogue them I would blow my PC apart, so here's this weeks images, enjoy and keep the feed back coming, I'm so glad that you all seem to enjoy this space.
A pretty clever piece of woodworking, how do they inter lock these three pieces?
What a stunner, enough said.......
From another angle
The interior is very plain, but that kind of makes it really.....
Not too sure about what happens here, but worthy enough to be included
I dont usually like clutter, but it is a kitchen, and strangely enough it seems to work for me
This image would make a great 2 meter by 1.5 meter mural, I may just do that this one, it has great colour and balance and I could easily imagine it on a big white wall at the end of a long passage. You know how I like big art well this is what I'm talking about
Subtle and serene
This made me laugh, I used to have two cats that would sit and stare at one another for hours waiting for that first twitch before pouncing on one another, and this made me think of them.
A stunning shot
Not my thing, but still very well done
Hmmmm....what do you think? I can imagine this being in Paris somewhere
This is uber cool...................
As is this, Loved the use of the textured wallpanels added to the contrast of the ultra smooth floor, great space
Likewise here, great texture, good lighting and layering of materials provides a great space.
Earthquake proofing doesn't necessarily mean ugly big beams and supporting structures intruding into a space, if well done, it can be made to look like this
I think this is very very clever making the supports an integral part of the design
Pretty out there
Another view of the same building, looks like an image from a 50's design and living article
Live in a built up area, got big walls or banks right beside your windows? It doesn't mean that you cant feel like you live outside
Now thats a design!!!!
We should have housing like this all over the place, cool living
Not too sure, I dont know what the cubes do, are they an extension to the room, or are they an outside deck with extreme privacy? I like it all the same.
Another thing I like alot is height, it seems to open a place right up and gives an added dimension.